About us

4 Values of Yamamoto's Hamburg

From Chef and Founder Yamamoto: I grew up healthy by eating my mother's homemade dishes. Every day, my mother carefully selected safe ingredients and made meals from scratch. It wasn't until embarrassingly late in life, when I decided to open a restaurant, that I realized the sincerity of my mother's efforts. Learning from her heartfelt approach, I provide everyone with hamburg made from safe ingredients that can be eaten with peace of mind. Of course, I won't compromise on deliciousness either. (Hamburg is the name of a pâté dish that has uniquely evolved in Japan.)

Value of Yamamoto's Hamburg 01

Using domestic meat, freshly kneaded every day. We have devised a “feast hamburger steak.”

At Yamamoto's Hamburg, we use domestically raised beef and pork, as we believe that ingredients whose origins and producers are known allows our customers to eat with peace of mind and enjoy delicious flavors. Some of our stores even directly source meat from producers, deepening our connection with local farmers. Every morning, our chefs lovingly craft each hamburg by hand and grill them to perfection. Additionally, as seasonal specials, we offer creatively designed hamburg such as minced chicken, hormone pâté, and pâté blended with tofu and vegetables. We prepare these with care for everyone to enjoy. We hope you'll savor the pleasure of indulging in our hamburg.

Value of Yamamoto's Hamburg 02

Specially cultivated rice Hitomebore with a focus on freshness and quality.

The rice used in Yamamoto's Hamburg is “Hitomebore,“ a special cultivation rice grown in Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture. Members of the Mitadori Agricultural Cooperative, with whom we have a contract, put in painstaking effort every day to cultivate the rice, avoiding pesticides and chemical fertilizers as much as possible. This Hitomebore rice, grown with such care, is distinctly safe and delicious compared to other types of rice. Additionally, the storage of Hitomebore rice, which is harvested only once a year, greatly affects its taste. Therefore, we store the harvested rice in large-scale, low-temperature, low-humidity warehouses in the producing area to maintain its freshness. We also mill the rice to order and deliver it directly to each store. Thanks to the cooperation of the local farmers, we can offer delicious rice. Furthermore, this meticulously selected rice is “all-you-can-eat.“ So, don't worry about the balance between meat and rice; feel free to have as much as you like!

Value of Yamamoto's Hamburg 03

Be sure to enjoy our monthly homemade vegetable juices.

Did your parents often tell you, “When eating meat, you should also eat your vegetables”? That's exactly right. We have a desire for everyone to feel energized and satiated, so we offer plenty of vegetables to accompany our hamburg. The vegetable juice we serve before meals is a homemade juice that changes monthly, with clever ideas to make even the most disliked vegetables enjoyable. Additionally, we use vegetables sourced directly from contracted farms to deliver safe and delicious produce to our customers. For example, at our in-house farm, 'ORES FARM,' we cultivate vegetables using pesticide-free organic methods. Through experiences in vegetable cultivation, we aim to further enhance our staff's knowledge and interest in food, convey the charm of vegetables to our customers, and provide a delightful dining experience.

Value of Yamamoto's Hamburg 04

Energize the city by creating stores with heart!

Yamamoto's Hamburg aims to create a restaurant with heart. We believe that if the conversations and moments enjoyed over hamburg in our restaurant contribute to our customers' well-being, and if Yamamoto's Hamburg can bring a little more vitality to the community, it would truly be a cause for celebration. We focus our hearts on each individual customer and each hamburg order. It brings us joy when someone thinks, “Let's go to Yamamoto's Hamburg,“ when they're hungry, and we strive to provide the expected hamburg and atmosphere at that moment. However, if we fall short in any way, we would greatly appreciate your guidance. We will continue to use such experiences to create a restaurant that satisfies our customers.